Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pissed Over an Idiot!

Gosh, i am so pissed with an idiot today! 
As usual, we brought #2 and #3 to Ikea playground and as usual while we were about to leave, we allowed Nick and Grace to Q up to buy their hotdog bun. 

Then there was this malay boy (late 20s) who apparently cut their Q, and we kept quiet.. And another malay aunty did the same. So we nicely told the staff that the kids are in the Q and are waiting for their turns to purchase their hotdogs.  And guess what? The malay boy actually had the cheek to tell me in my face "OH, so this is what parents do these days. They make their kids Q and buy food while they stand there and just relax".. 
Wah piangs.. Made me boil! I told him straight off in the face, "Well, at least these young kids knows what is Q up and such a grown up like you has to cut their Q.. This is what happens when the parents don't teach you to Q and buy food when u are young!" 
My dear hubby got to drag me away before i start to abuse him with my limited F languages.. 
Come to think about it, i also think it's funny. it's one of the few times that i get so worked up over idiots.. :P

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