Grace has grown a fair bit since the last time i wrote a similar post.
She now speaks in sentences telling us exactly what she wants, feels or if someone bullies her. Daddy has commented that she speaks like ET at times especially with her pronunciation..
Examples :
- I want to go home = I want to go "ome"
- I want to eat sweet = I want eat "weet"
- Snake = "ake"
- Crocodile = co-co-die
- I want to go school = I want go "coo"
- Eat Dinner = eat "nee-ner"
- Potato = "O-day-toe"
- Mcdonalds = "mac-donald-na"
- Sweetheart = eat-heart
- Darling = "dar-ning"
Apart from speaking like a "pro" these days, she's also quite a "pro" on doing her right brain stuffs and is asking for too much these days. She is sharing books with Nick and not that mummy is unwilling to teach, but am not sure if there is such a thing as frustrated with not being able to find some proper tools to teach her. This is the frustration i am facing almost every day but i cannot openly tell others incase others label me as "how-lian" (show-off). :( But, almost most tools / toy in Singapore is a repeat of another toy in one way or another.
I have previously asked and looked around for a proper 100% montessori school in Singapore, but with no success. Seems like schools here aren't following the Montessori Method 100% and will still stick to the Singapore syllabus so that the child will adapt to school when they reach Primary 1.
For now, she's asking a little too much questions, asking for too much attention and too hungry for knowledge. I have to keep thinking how can we go on further, yet, not kill her interest since we have limited tools!
What should i do?
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