It was a normal weekend when we pop by JB so that the monkies could play with their cousins and a family dinner with the in-laws..
Grace on the swing

Grace on her get-around-scooter..

After dinner, the monkies refuse to go home. They claimed that it was a long long time since they stayed at a hotel.. And, it didn't take long for daddy to decide that we are heading to KL for a short weekend trip! With no clean clothes in tow (except the monkies PJ since we had plans to deposit them with in-laws so that hb and me could catch a movie), we had to pop by a local mall to get what we needed before heading up to KL.
A 4 hour drive up, we arrived around 11ish, ate supper and pop into the hotel for check-in without a reservation. The only thing we could do was keep our fingers and toes crossed, hoping they have rooms, otherwise, we will be hotel hopping around the town, looking for a room.. :P
After check-in, the monkies instantly dozed off after changing into their PJ..
The next morning, lil monkie woke up, EXCITED!!

Then, they declare they wanted to go for a SWIM, but it was too early. The pool wasn't opened yet, and even if it did, the water would be too freaking COLD!
So cute hor.. I heart this picture.. Nick's head here look double the size of mei-mei's one..

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