The mad fighter plane craze continues!!
Bright Saturday morning, we headed out to the RSAF Museum. We wasn't even sure if they are open since the website was last updated in 2009!
We made rounds around that area, until we spotted the building with "The Air Force Museum". Hubby and me let out some signs of relieve! Boy, we dare not think if we couldn't find that place or if it's closed, how disappointed the monkies would be!
After parking, as we were walking in. hubby commented "maybe the museum is only made up of these few exhibits" as that place was absolutely deserted!!

Well, in a way, hubby was pretty right.. The exhibits were a little disappointing since the kids cannot get into any of them, or there wasn't even much explanation on the model, what can the fighter planes do or how fast they could get!! So, we just loiter around and let the Nick took some pictures..
Grace for some reasons got super scared of that place.. She refused to let go of my hand and kept insisting i have to carry her. If i put her down, she end up hugging my leg like a koala, and me having to drag my foot around to MOVE her.. That also perhaps explains why she's only in 1 of the many pictures we took!
Inside the museum, Nick posted in a few pictures. The place was pretty eery since we were the only people there with the weird old machines and statues. Again, there wasn't much explanations, so whatever questions Nick had for me, answers were based on my limited knowledge or some bullshit answers!..

Nick on the only stimulator which he pretend that he was a pilot. Grace finally got off from hugging my leg, stood there and watched for a while.
After that, the monkies watched some video fighter plane demo which made Nick so excited that he reminded me again that he wants to pilot a fighter plane when he grows up!. *Am keeping my fingers and toes crossed he doesn't changes his mind!*

Nick here with the "fake man" in uniform.. He claims he likes the one in green better.
*pictures taken by Nick*

While we were leaving, a staff approached us and asked if we are interested to see a 5 mins video screening on the air force. It wasn't was informative as i have expected it to be, nevertheless, it didn't fail Nick since he wanted to see the planes.
Not a bad place if you have time, and is looking for a quiet place..
RSAF Museum
400 Airport Road
Singapore 534234
Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Sunday
8.30am to 5.00pm
(Closed on Monday & Public Holidays)
SBS 90 and 94
(SBS 94 not available on Sunday)
Free Admission
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