An elephant flew down a flight of stairs last Friday..
She was supposed to be unwell, but cos she had a very important meeting and a super duper important report to submit before 11am that morning, so she struggled to get to work.
She had it all planned.. After the meeting and the reports, she was going to the doctor to get her nose, headache and fever problems solved, but.. Before she could even get to the first meeting, she flew down the stairs with a loud "THUN"!. And another hippo colleague who was with her, instead of helping her up, instead made a dash down the remaining steps for her iphone to check if it was still working. (sob sob.. The phone was more precious than the elephant.. :P)
And, she ended up with some hairline cracks at the ankle and the elephant is now limping around.. :P
Oh well, if it wasn't for the fall, the blog will be still sleeping.. :)
She was supposed to be unwell, but cos she had a very important meeting and a super duper important report to submit before 11am that morning, so she struggled to get to work.
She had it all planned.. After the meeting and the reports, she was going to the doctor to get her nose, headache and fever problems solved, but.. Before she could even get to the first meeting, she flew down the stairs with a loud "THUN"!. And another hippo colleague who was with her, instead of helping her up, instead made a dash down the remaining steps for her iphone to check if it was still working. (sob sob.. The phone was more precious than the elephant.. :P)
And, she ended up with some hairline cracks at the ankle and the elephant is now limping around.. :P
Oh well, if it wasn't for the fall, the blog will be still sleeping.. :)

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