Gosh.. Been busy of late!! The blog has again been a neglected victim of my "BUSY-ness".. *giggles*
Am now on a 2 weeks break.. And, well.. I AM even BUSY-ier..
Before my break, i was busy with work (what's new anyway), monitoring Nick on his work, dropping the kids at the enrichment classes blah blah blah..
Now that i am on my break.. I am lagee busy!!
Mornings, I try to spend my time with little missy.. Without fail, the 1st thing she does when she opens her eyes is to say "mummy, today you not going to work hor?? You are staying at home with me right?" And since i am at home, she will insist i bathe for her and not the maid.. :( After that, we will either stroll to the MacDonalds or market for breakfast, then return home to do some "studying" before she heads to school for 3 hours.. When the maid fetches her home, the first thing she asks is "WHERE IS MY MUMMY??" and she will run into the study to check if i had "escaped" out while she's at school. :P
Usually in the afternoons when the 3 kids are home..
Some days, i bring Sam out alone without the 2 younger ones because since the arrival of the 2 younger ones, we haven't really spent a lot of time alone.. Other days, i bring Nick and Grace out to the playground.. And just yesterday, because Sam doesn't have to go to school (means no homework for the day), they 3 monkies and me caught a movie together..
On some of the afternoons when i manage to escape out without the kids, i would be in bookshops, spending my afternoons shopping for books.. Or in art shops looking around for scrapbook papers, attending scrapbooking / altered art / stamping and coloring classes etc.. It's really a bliss to be able to spend some time learning a hobby. Nevertheless, hubby's been complaining.. haha.. It's a really very expensive hobby. Each 2 hours lesson will range between 75-90 bucks, after that, i will shop and buy some other stuffs home.. And a simple chop, will cost around 30 bucks, the markers, stamp pads etc also cost an arm and a leg..
* my new mimi chop collection!!

I originally had big plans of bringing Nick to Cameron Highlands to pluck strawberries, but fear that Grace will end up crying buckets, i aborted the big plan (daddy couldn't take leave, so i had to bring them alone if i wanted to go)..
Well, another week before heading back to work.. I sure have to fully utilize my time with the kids since not too sure when will the next long break be. :)
busy bee you.. i love ur mini chop collection :)
Merryn, i love them too.. but for now i can only stare at them cos i haven't learn how to colour them yet.. lol.. :P
This hobby is rather addictive.. 1 chop leads to another.. i bought some wording ones too.. Now got to learn how to put on the colours otherwise also pointless having them.. :P
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