Nick can be very creative when it comes to building his own "town" with his railway tracks, Lego buildings and making his thomas trains go "up the hills and down the tracks"..
But when it comes to drawing and coloring, he really cannot make it. I've been trying to convince him to attend art classes, however, the run-of-the-mill classes offered at community club aren't really tailored for kids of his age plus, i somehow feel that they are "out-dated".. :P
Couple of weeks back, we came across this art school that offers Art for kids as young as 1.5yo, and it seems rather interesting. Best, they don't quite do "drawing" and "coloring". And needless to say, such schools comes with a hefty price-tag.. Community club has art classes at slightly below $50 a term for a 3 hour class per week whereas, this charges $324 per term for a 60 min lesson.
Nevertheless, signed the boy up for the next 4 lessons, hoping to see if he likes it before we decide if we will continue with the whole term in July.
This month, they are doing canvas painting. On lesson 1, he learnt to use the brush and paint the bigger areas on the canvas. Today (i.e. lesson 2), the learn how to use the ear buds and tap onto the smaller areas. The look of it after lesson 2.

Looks like not bad hor! :P
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