Nick "pong tang" school on Friday and mummy decided to bring both Nick and Grace to Ikea! We did not go one near our home as we have been there every other day for the whole week! We went on a BUS to the Alexandra Ikea!
From my place, we had to walk 15 mins under the hot sun to the main road, then board on bus 33 (gosh! i didn't know the journey would take us over an hour!) and by the time we were there, Nick and Grace were already fussing big time!
When we got home, Nick took the magic geometry box and did this to show me.

He calls this " Nicholas's 3 deck bus and mummy's house on the bus".
Nick : Mummy, see.. This is Nicholas's 3 deck bus and mummy's house on the bus.
Me : How come Nicholas owns a bus?
Nick : Then i no need to take the bus and stop at every bus-stop. I can go on the highway.
Me :Why 3 decks? Most buses are only double decker you know..
Nick : Because there are not enough seats for everyone to sit in the bus. People push here and there.
Me : I see.. Then why is mummy's house on top of the bus?
Nick : B'cos mummy like to go kai kai (shopping) so i put mummy's house on the bus. Then when mummy walk and walk, Nicholas can go home to pass motion(my fault, whenever i am too engrossed with shopping or too lazy to bring him to poo in public toilets, i tend to tell him the toilets are stinky and dirty! But well, also cannot blame me cos when Nick poos, somehow, Grace also want to poo! And i hate cleaning their butts!).
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