Monday, July 20, 2009
SNG and their Pretty Photo Frames
Nick and his Imaginary Bus and House

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Nick and Grace at the Beach

Grace having fun with the Tangram

Monday, July 13, 2009
A short getaway to Genting Highlands

Me and My Reflections
Over the past years, I have been so caught up in the rats race that I hardly have time to sit on my butt, sip coffee and think about my family, my directions and my goals. More often than not, my husband and me only think on our feet and seldom will I/we have the time to ponder on it after a decision is being made or to follow-up thoroughly the goals in detail. All the family planning with my husband are usually done in the car on the way to and fro work, and once it’s decided, we usually do as planned rather than to re-think how and where we could do better.
Now that I am a full time Stay-At-Home-Mum (a nicer word than a Full Time Housewife right?) I have time to sip coffee and think while the kids are at school or having their afternoon naps.
My day to day lifestyle :
Meals - Now that I am spending more time with the kids, I take great pains to cook a decent meal for them at dinner time. Most of my friends who know me well enough know that I can’t cook! Even simple task like stir frying vegetables or steaming a fish is just so so tough that I will either overcook or undercook them. But glad to say, it’s all much better now. I also stick with the healthy food choices like fish, chicken or meat in a meal, complete with vegetables and soup.
Household chores - Since we fired the maid, the responsibility of cleaning up the place automatically falls onto my plate. And yes.. I AM HOPELESS WITH CLEANING UP TOO! Lucky for me, my husband is completely aware that I am not able to clean up the place to his standards, he has decided to get in a part-time cleaner 3 times a week to help out on it. :)
Me time – My 3 kids are in school in the mornings, so I have the “luxury” of heading to the library or Borders to buy or read a book, or head out to coffee joints for the free air-con while sipping coffee and reading the papers / book or just to surf the net. Some days, Grace or Nick get to “pon-tang” school so that I get to spend some time in the morning alone with each kid. We usually end up in the indoor playgrounds or parks, or even the zoo.
Well, overall, life's good although there is lesser money to spend, but thinking back, what is worth more than spending quality time bonding with the kids?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The World Captured on Grace’s Len – Botanical Gardens

Saturday, July 4, 2009
A trip to the Zoo