Did you caught the fever too??
It's the 3rd year in a row we caught the bug! And guess what?? Am half deaf today!! Hahahaha..
Year 1, we purchased the throat cutting F1 tix for the race day, brought Sam and Nick to catch the race (and Nick, then 3yo, can still remember!!!)
Year 2, we were given 2 GrandStand tix, so hubby and me went to watched the race!
Year 3 (i.e. this year), we were invited to a private suite were there was air-con, TV screen and cocktails provided!! Darn nice! :)
Till i load and sort out the pix.. :P
It's the 3rd year in a row we caught the bug! And guess what?? Am half deaf today!! Hahahaha..
Year 1, we purchased the throat cutting F1 tix for the race day, brought Sam and Nick to catch the race (and Nick, then 3yo, can still remember!!!)
Year 2, we were given 2 GrandStand tix, so hubby and me went to watched the race!
Year 3 (i.e. this year), we were invited to a private suite were there was air-con, TV screen and cocktails provided!! Darn nice! :)
Till i load and sort out the pix.. :P