Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Flash Cards and Such..

Am in the midst of packing out some of my old SM items, GD flash cards, Montessori Method items and some other manipulate play stuffs that the kids have outgrown.

Please leave me a note if you are interest in any of the items and i can let you know if i have them. :) Am letting them go at a fraction of the amount i paid for.

The 5 Min Method

A couple of friends have emailed me asking me what do i do to Grace to stop her from her morning crying.. 

Well, i used the 5 mins method that was taught to us in SM. 

Steps for the 5 min method :
1. Use your hand to touch your child forehead, the touching of love and care to your child (As a matter of fact, Grace HATES this. She will push my hand away when i touch any part of her when she's dozing off.. )
2. When touching, speak in gentle and loving tone, praising your child that he/she is good, sensible, respect, attentive child etc.  Mummy love you, and you love mommy too. Tomorrow morning when you are awake, quickly brush your teeth and change into your uniform on your own, have your breakfast (you go on with your message for your child BUT REFRAIN from saying things like "don't cry, don't this and don't that.")
3. repeat the same speech while still touching the forehead till your child is in deep sleep!

You have to be persistent, consistent on this to see results.

I have previously tried this method, speaking to her about her temper, her waking up a couple times in the middle of the night, some of her english pronunciation which we tried correcting in the day time but without much success etc.. So far, it works... You can try it too and let me know does it works with your child. :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

School Day 3 and 4..

The mornings are becoming better after i spoke to Grace and preparing her that we are still going to school the next day. It's no longer a battle ground where i have to deal with the cry-ings and them refusing to go to school.. 

Grace now wakes up on her own and head to the kitchen to look for daddy for her milk, and when she's done with the milk, she will put it at the kitchen basin, then brushes her teeth and change into her uniform without fussing. 

Nick still refuse to get out of bed most of the time, but once daddy goes into the room to scream, he will also go into the bathroom to brush his teeth, then change into his uniform and sit at the dinning table for breakfast. 

Sam is a little more stubborn.. He has the laziest bones which makes daddy scream at him 3 times at least before waking up and get prepared. 

Evenings aren't too bad either.. 

Sam is usually independently at home doing his homework.

For Wednesdays, i drop Nick at Enopi and Grace for ballet at 5pm and by 6.15pm we are already at home. Usual routine, cook dinner and eat. My parents had offered to take care of the 3 kids after dinner that day, so hb and i went for a short "pak tok" date at the supermarket restocking on the groceries.

For Thursdays, the kids will come back for dinner first and afterthat, Nick will attend his music lessons. After lessons, he will come home, does his homework and the kids will be in bed around 10pm. 

The kids have grown up a far bit since the maid left.. They are definitely more independent, closer to us and they have also learnt to take care of each other..  I like the way the kor-kors fuss about their little sister and takes care of her without me asking them to.  I love the way the family is now..

Sam On The Public Transport...

This morning, he pulled me aside and asked if he can take the public transport home on his own again after school.. He says he likes looking out for the bus, board the bus with his friends, pay his own fare like an adult, choose his favorite seat and look out of the windows to look at things. He likes to take charge of pressing the bell and alighting the bus on his own.. He wants to learn take care of himself.. 

I agreed, but i mention that if he's too tired, please take the school bus home since we have already paid for it. Not to play or run while crossing the roads. Wait for the green man when crossing the road even if there are no cars. Don't play on the stairs while on the bus. And call when when he's leaving school and reached home.. 

As much as i couldn't stop worrying, i know i have to give him space and time to grow up.. 

I also fear the day will that Nick and Grace will ask me the same thing. How many more years can i hold on to their hands before they tell me to stop cos they are afraid their friends will laugh at them. How long more will it be before they tell me to drop them off 2 bus stops before school so that they can be seen as going to school on their own. How many more precious years is it going to be before they stops flashing that award winning smile, run and hug me when they see me picking them up after classes.. :(

I know i will have to deal with it soon, but not too soon i hope.. 

Thursday, January 7, 2010

He's Growing UP!

Sam called from school 20 mins back.  Asking for permission to take the public transport home with his friends instead of the school bus!

I wasn't surprise. I gave him an "okay" and checked with him if he knew which bus to take and he said yes. So, i just told him to be careful and call me when he reaches home. 

Hubby would flip if i told him about it.. As it is, when Sam told hubby to drop him 1 bus stop away from school yesterday, hubby feels that Sam wanted to "act" macho infront of his friends.. I tried to explain to hubby that it's natural that children of his age will feels shy when the daddy and mummy holds their hands, or bring them to school and things like that, but hubby just didn't seems to get it.. :P

So now if i were to tell hubby that Sam wants to take the public transport home from school on his own, i think Sam will get his shit squeezed out when hubby gets home tonight..  But, oh well, I think we just need to give this young man some leeway on learning how to take care of himself and grow up..  Maybe some "limited" freedom might also do him so good.. 

Hope Sam reaches home real soon so that i can stop worrying..  :)


Am about to burst into tears!

Nick is due for Primary 1 registration in 2011, going to school in 2012.. If i want to sign up and do voluntary work so that he stands a better chance in getting into the schools of my choice, i need to do so within the next couple of days!

My choices as such.. 
  • Tao Nan School - I need not do any voluntary work, Nick gets a confirm slot in Phase 1.
  • Ngee Ann Primary - I also do not need to do any voluntary work, Nick gets a confirm slot in Phase 2A2.
  • Red Swastika School /Temasek Primary School - I need to apply and fulfill 40 hours of voluntary work, put my name in for Phase 2B, perhaps need to ballot or may not even get a slot since i stay only within the 2KM range.. If i am not selected as a parent volunteer, i will have to register under Phase 2C and the chances of going in is very very low..
  • There are other choices such as Opera Estate Primary, Yu Neng Primary, Feng Shan Primary within the estate, if i apply and do 40 hours of voluntary work, we should get in for Phase 2B, otherwise, register under Phase 2C also shouldn't have much problems in getting in.... 
Well.. I shouldn't have so much problems getting my #2 into Primary School and infact, i should be spoilt for choices since i have quite a number of better schools to choose from.. But as a matter of fact, i am and i am very very stressed.. 

Sadly, my #2 isn't one of those very bright kid, or perhaps a late bloomer (i hope), so looking at the choices i have, i am really having a hard time.. 
  • Tao Nan School - A top school in Singapore.. One that i so badly wanted my eldest to enter so that he will have the best education. Standards wise, i suppose it's very high and perhaps (and i am so afraid) might crush my #2's confidence if he doesn't does well. And since #2, i could say, is very KS and diligent, am also afraid he spends his whole entire time sitting there and study just to do as well as his peers.
  • Ngee Ann Primary - A better school than other many neighborhood schools, definitely among my few best choice, but it's a little far from home!
  • Red Swastika School / Temasak Primary School - A better school than other many neighborhood schools, among my few better choice, nearer to home, but have to apply and do the 40 hours of voluntary work, yet, no guarantee Nick can get in!
The problem is.. 
  • if i don't register Nick for Tao Nan School, Grace will not get a place in this school under Phase 1 as by the time she is due of Primary 1, Sam will already be in Secondary School.
  • if i register Nick in Tao Nan School, poor boy might be so caught up with studying that he may not have time to play since he is KS (i should be positive and use the word "diligent" instead) by nature.. 
  • if i do not register him at Ngee Ann Primary for Phase 2A2, he will not get a place in that school for the next few phases anymore as we are living outside the 2km range from the school and, it's not easy to get into that school too.. 
  • for Red Swastika School / Temasek Primary School, if we do not get into the school at Phase 2B, chances in 2C might be close to 0.. 
  • i cannot secure a slot at Ngee Ann Primary, throw in for ballot at Red Swistaka or Temasek Primary. Neither can i put my name in for ballot for both Red Swastika and Temasek Primary! It's either ONE.. :(
  • And if Red Swastika or Temasek Primary fails, then i am only left with the unwanted choices of neighborhood school!
Oh damn!! Why do i have so much headaches!! 

And, for Grace, i actually was thinking of checking out the Convent Schools for her when she is due for Primary School!  Am i just too KS also?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The 2nd Day of School

Everything went as planned.. The kids have just gone to bed.. Yups.. 10pm! Must be my lucky day!

Morning went alright.. There was the usual struggle to get the kids out of bed, convince Grace to change into her uniform and go to school.. And at 7.35am, we are out of the house.. 

Tomorrow, we will be leaving home earlier since hubby has decided to drop Sam off in school instead of him taking the school bus as he thinks that the school bus is too early! Poor boy perhaps can catch another 45 mins of sleep rather than waking up at 5.45am.. There is only a mere $5 reduction on the bus fare.. :(

Evening battle was a little more tiring since it's a long day at school and at work for hubby.. 

Dinner was as usual, 30 mins to cook, 3 dishes and 1 soup.. 
  • Carrot, potato and chicken soup
  • Steam Cod Fish with sauce
  • Stir Fried French Beans with prawn and pork (usually when we have a dish with prawn, there will be another with pork or chicken as Sam is allergy to prawns, so he will take the one with pork instead.)
  • Sweet Sour Pork using those packet sauce

After dinner, Nick sat down and practiced his electone and continued with his Kumon homework after he was done with his electone practice.. And at 9ish pm, he declared that he has completed his English and Math worksheets, did some chinese reading, got changed and went to bed. Grace is a copycat, sat at the table and scribble on her books which Nick was busy with his homework!

Now that the kids are in bed, the flour and ingredients are in the bread machine making my yummy pandan bread for tomorrow breakie and hubby is in the kitchen doing the dishes, i should be burying myself in my books and go to bed in 3-4 hours time when the bread is done.. :)

It's a good day today! 

The First Day of School..

The first day of school was good. Hope it stays that way.. 

6.35am : Sam's school bus came to fetch him to school. 
7.10am : Nick, Grace and me woke up and prepared for school.
7.45am : Drop Nick off at childcare centre. 
8.00am : Drop Grace off at Shichida.
After breakfast, hubby dropped me off at MDIS.

Around 11am, the school bus will pick Grace from Shichida and send her to old childcare centre that Nick is in.. 
Grace and Nick will have lunch in the childcare centre. 

Afterthat, Grace will take her nap while the centre supervisor will drop Nick off at PCF Kindergarten and pick him up at 4pm... 

Me.. Am done with classes around 5pm, hubby fetches me, pick the kids up from childcare centre, and head home.. 

Then, the real battle begins!  

Hubby baths while i cook dinner, the kids change into their home clothes and plays their toys while waiting for dinner to be ready!. 

Yesterday's dinner wasn't too bad. 3 dishes and 1 soup done in 30mins!!  
  • Lotus soup was cooked using the thermal cooker in the morning with the rice cooked on a seperate tier in the soup. Heat up the soup slightly and 1 dish done.. 
  • Fish was prepared the night before, kept in the fridge, fry..  
  • Vegetable with pork was also cut, packed and stored in the fridge the night before, stir fry.. 
  • Teriyaki chicken done using pre-packed sauce...

After dinner, hubby did the dishes, while i took some 10mins to stare at Sam's higher chinese text book and declared that i can barely read his books already.. :( 

Folded the laundry, kept the clothes into the cupboard and checked on Nick's homework. 

10ish, the kids were in bed and me in the kitchen baking some muffins for the kids breakie, chopping and packing the food for the next day's dinner.. :)

After all's done and cleared up, *yawn* time to go back to the books...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Help Desk?

It's 4th day into the New Year! 2 person called and asked for a loan.. 

On Friday, SIL called for a loan.. Hubby refused. Then MIL called to scold hubby for turning SIL down saying that that is his sister, if he don't help her, then who will etc etc.. Well, they have got to realize that they have got to make their money last a whole month and not going around asking for a loan and jumping at us when we refuse to lend (should be give since it never comes back anyway!)!  *pissed*

This morning, a not so close friend called saying her son is ill, and needed a loan to bring him to the doctor.. I was puzzled.. About 5 months back, she was complaining to me that the house she bought was so freaking small and there isn't enough space for her and her kids. She said that she should have insisted her husband to buy one 1 with the size like mine.. 2 months back, she called and told me she's done with the renovations and it has costed her 60k!! That's hell of a lot for a 3room flat!  And according to her, she's re-done the whole house including hacking up the entire flooring!

I remembered that same evening hb came home, i was telling him i feel so short-changed. 

Our very 1st flat was a 3room.. Very small.. We barely paid anything in cash since CPF covered the entire downpayment. We forked out 300 bucks for paint and we ended up going down to the house every evening after work, painted till 11ish, took a bus back to my parents place to sleep. There were times when both of us were just too exhausted after working and painting and we ended up sleeping on the small mattress in partly painted house that smelled of paint!  

Our 1st sofa was sponsored by my grand-mama since we are so cash striped.. Water heater was paid by my dad. We didn't even had money then to pay for a new toilet bowl or new cabinet that we used back whatever was left by the previous owner.  Mum sponsored a ceiling fan for the hall. That was it.. 

We moved into the new home with a sofa, a water heater, our old queen size mattress, an old 15inch box television, a ceiling fan, a cooking stove we bought from giant at $29 and a small kids table for 1 dollar so that we could sit on the floor and eat. Dad pitied us, he gave us an old bar fridge and bought us some new plates and utensils. That was it! 

We lived in that manner for the next 1 year+. Then slowly, we saved up for a dining table, so almost 2 years after moving in, we had a decent dining table.. Slowly, a mini size fridge, then a system 1 air-con, then a slightly bigger television and it went on. 

It took us almost 3 years to save up for a downpayment for a small car, so that we could fetch our ,then 4yo son, who was living with my parents. 

Then, things got better and we moved out into our current place. Still, i didn't bare to spend that much on reno for our new home. We left our flooring untouched as we aren't sure if there will be an enbloc for our new home, so it didn't make much sense to pay 15k on sometime we will only use a couple of years if the enbloc went thru.. I shopped around for a decent sofa, went out to buy all those plugs and stuffs etc so that that will lower my entire reno cost, got individual contractors to come in and built up different items which brought my whole ID cost down from the original 45k to a mere 11k including all my sofas, plasma TVs and air-con units.. 

Perhaps we learnt that money don't drop from heaven the hard way, so we didn't feel a need to pay 45k or to apply for loan just to renovate the house!. 

Oh, back to that friend.. She apparently took a loan from 3 bank (i was told), thus managed to loan the full 60k, her husband is the sole bread winner at home bringing slightly below 2k a month (i was told), she has a maid (i dunno how she applied since u need a min of 30k per annum to apply for 1), her 3 room flat has 3 plasma tvs (i am not against people who buy big and nice flat screens, but i don't agree that you buy something nice and put it at home, while the kids have no food to eat or no money for them to see doctor when they are ill).. 

Anyways, i gave her a 50 bucks loan... Am not sure if it would come back, but ya.. The 1st and the last time.

All the best to her!

New Year, New Tricks on Her Sleeve..

Grace woke up this morning, kissed my lips and say "Mummy!!  The sky on the lights already.. Can wake up and go Kai kai already!!!"

Daddy heard that and woke up bursting into laugher... 

What a nice way to begin a day.. 

We wonder who taught her that.. :P

Cost of Rearing Kids A Year..

Some friends have asked me on the estimate amount i need for each kid in a year.. The figures are based on what i can remember, some of the enrichment classes are not necessary..  Others like lunch and dinner are taken at home or with us, so didn't add them in. This is just as a guide. 

Samuel - Primary 4
School Bus : $120 x 12 months = $1440
School Books : $230 
School Uniform (2 sets of uniform + 3 sets of PE attire + 5 pairs of school socks) = $120
School Shoes (2 pairs) : $36
Pocket Money for recess = $4 x 25 days x 10+ months = $1000
School Fees / Misc Fee : $11 x 12 months = $132 
School ECA - Takwando = $25 x 4 terms = $100
ECA Test / Accessories = Est $70 a year 
Assessment / Enrichment Book = $50 a year
Piano Lessons : $220 x 12 months = $2640
Violin Lessons : $180 x 12 months = $$2160
Misc for music books / exam fees = Est $400 to $500 a year
Tution : $0
Total : $7978 a year / equivalent to $665 a month
Nicholas - K1
PAP School Books : $96 
PAP School Uniform (2 sets of uniform) = $46
School Fees : $140 x 12 months = $1680
Childcare uniform (3 sets) = $73
Childcare fees after subsidy : $320 X 12 months = $3840
Music Class : $220 x 4 terms = $880
Kumon English + Maths : $240 x 12 months = $$2880
MPM Math = $460 x 4 terms = $1840
Enopi : $140 x 12 months = $1680
Art Class : $320 x 4 terms = $1280
Total : $14295 a year / equivalent to $1192 a month

Grace - N1
Shichida School Uniform (3 sets of uniform) = $99
School Fees : $800 x 12 months = $9600
School Bus from Shichida to childcare (1 way) = $115 x 12 months = $1380 
Childcare uniform (3 sets) = $73 
Childcare fees after subsidy : $320 X 12 months = $3840
Ballet Class : $260 x 4 terms = $1040
Ballet Costume / Accessories : Est $200 a year
Art Class : $320 x 4 terms = $1280
Total : $17512 a year / equivalent to $1460 a month

All these while, i have never quite put the figures down into a book and tabulate it.. But looking at the total i spend in a year on the 3 monkies, i now understand as to why many Singaporeans choose not to have kids.. 3 kids made me $40k poorer in a year and items such as food, doctor visits, insurance etc have not been taken into consideration yet!

No wonder my friends been holidaying in Europe and USA while we are always doing trips within Asia only.. :(

Speak Proper English!

Over the whole long weekend, i've been hearing the kids speak in broken english!. Although i don't speak perfect English, but never do i expect my kids to speak in that manner!

Nick's English :
We are going where? 
We eat what?
What time we go there?
Take the books to put them in to the bookshelf.

i spent the whole entire weekend correcting him. 

And guess what? This morning, his childcare outlet supervisor asked him "YOU GO WHERE ON THE WEEKEND?" and i flipped! I corrected her "Where did you go over the weekend?".. 

Now i know where did Nick learn these horrible english from!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Schools!! Here We Come!!

2 more days, the kids (big and small ones!) will be back in school!

Sam : It will be his first day in Tao Nan, daddy will be driving him to school that morning, so i guess all will be quite the same as previously..
School books - checked
New uniforms - checked
New socks - checked
Shoes painted - checked

Nick : He will still be back in the same childcare centre, all's almost the same except he will be attending PAP Kindergarten in the afternoons instead of napping since he has such a hard time falling asleep.
School books - checked
Childcare uniforms - checked
PAP School uniforms - checked
New Shoes - checked

Grace : She will be attending Shichida Kindergarten in the morning, 11am the school bus will send her to the current childcare centre, and she will have her lunch and nap there till we fetch her in the evenings. 
Shichida uniforms - checked
Childcare uniforms - checked
New Shoes - checked

Mummy : She will be going back to school.. :P Nervous and excited, like a small child, also prepared her books, files, packed her pencil case and is all ready for school!

Schools!! Here we come!!

My New Year Day..

Was still feeling moody when i woke up that morning. Hubby was nice, he let me sleep in till 10ish, while he baby-sit the kids, but nevertheless, them laughing and shouting while playing on the wii woke me up.. 

Hubby had made arrangements to c/o the kids at mum's place, so we got changed, brought them to mum's and both of us went out.. 

We went to catch "The Princess and The Frog" at Kallang Leisure Mall, had a nice Japanese meal and went to Expo for Metro sales.. The day's activities definitely did some mood lifting and i was back to my chipy mood by the time we picked the kids.. :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Mood Swings and Weird Cravings!

I know it's the 1st day of the New Year and i am supposed to feel super enthusiastic about the new year.. 

Weirdly, i am not.. Am feeling irritable, frustrated and worse of all, am craving for hot pot, ice-cream and hoping some silly person comes to me now and let me scream my head off at him.. 

Aiyo!!.. What is wrong with me???